Amir Gaf

Programming portfolio

Experience and Skills

Networking, Data analytics, and Programming

Proficient development languages and tools

Experienced in using HTML, CSS (Flexbox & Grid) for building websites from scratch.

Proficient development languages and tools

Experienced in using Frameworks such as Bootstrap, React.JS and Javascript for company webpages.

Data analytics languages and tools

Proficient in SAS/SQL programming for the use of data manipulation, statistical analysis and data visualization.

Networking & Security

CCNA certified, and working experience using Fortigate firewalls and Cisco products in a MSP.

Projects and Work

Programming projects and work in progress...

Law firm landing page

This website was created using HTML, custom CSS, JavaScript and BOOTSTRAP.

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Nutrient Density analysis with SAS/SQL

Statistical analysis and visualization of a large dataset using SAS/SQL programming and advanced Excel.

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Credit card statement user dashboard

Credit card statement analysis dashboard built using PowerBI, PowerQuery, and Excel.

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Project portfolio

This website is built from scratch using HTML, custom CSS (flexbox), and JavaScript.

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Cryptocurrency to Fiat currency

This app will utilize webscraping to gather data. The front end will be built using React.JS, Html, CSS, and JavaScript.

Coming soon...

Contact me

Please feel free to e-mail me regarding any projects or development oppurtunities. Alternatively, you can send me a message on LinkedIn to connect.

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